
Have not had the PM interrogated in over a year due to living in Thailand. I have to go to Singapore for interrogation but not sure of how much it is going to cost. I will get 100% reimbursement from VA. 

I feel fine but have noticed some abnormal shocking.



by ROBOTICKER - 2017-03-20 19:22:50

If you got your Pacemaker from The Veterans Administration? I'm assuming it's Boston Scientific... However, I would suggest you try and STAY AWAY FROM THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION For Future Treatment...

Because After they get control of "Managing" your device? They will VERY QUICKLY START TO SCREW UP... And in The Long Run? They will leave you High and Dry once the staff at The Veterans Administration gets tired of you... Or their Workload becomes to much to handle...

I know this because I'm going through HELL having to deal with The Veterans Administration... If You're A Veteran? All Interrogations info are sent to Washington DC's Main Veterans Administration... Why? I have No Idea...

If you ask me? The Veterans Administration Hospitals? ARE NOT A GOOD PLACE TO BE ILL... BECAUSE THEY WILL FINISH YOU OFF... AND IT'S A SLOW BURACRATIC DEATH. Once Caught Up In The System it will cost you A LOT OF MONEY AND EMOTIONAL AND FINANCIAL PAIN  In The Long run...

Just Trust me On That. I started at The VA With My Pacemaker Making almost $6,000.00 a month on my job 4 Years ago. Today? I'm on the brink of Homelessness... Because The VA Refused To assure Employers that I'd be Fine if they Hired me...

Or Give The Social Security Administration The Medical Information they need in a timely manner. So I keep getting Denied due to Not Enough Medical Information... I would say If You can avoid them all together? Do It...

You know you're wired when...

Intel inside is your motto.

Member Quotes

I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.