Hello my friends,

I'm feeling better each day. My meds. have changed alittle and I'm feeling better. I'm now taking Norvasc 5 mg and it really seem to be working. Just the other day I was telling my kids on how some people go to heaven alittle early because the lord likes to have different people with him. I really felt my life was coming to an end. I prepared my kids to understand if daddy is not on this earth I'm in heaven so be happy and thank the Lord for having another place to live after we pass away. My kids have a lot of faith and told me, Daddy your not going to die. I'm hoping to feel even better because of my kids and your prayers. I'm thankful for all of you who take time out to write to me. I'm starting to jog alittle and I'm doing pretty good. God bless you all and thank you Jesse and Auntiesamm. Take care and God bless you all. Christmmpace

My computer is heating up and ready to shut down see ya later.


Great news

by Suze - 2007-03-27 09:03:52

I'm so happy things are looking up for you. Your kids are lucky to have you as their dad. Thanks for the positive update. Jogging? I'm impressed. Take care. -----Suze-----

You're Welcome

by auntiesamm - 2007-03-28 02:03:22

Hi James, How sweet of you to send your thank you through your message. You are very, very welcome my friend. The way I look at it is this: We are all in the same boat at this point in time. This website has accomplished something I would have thought not possible - pulling people from all over the world together to support and care for one another. It still amazes me every time I log on, the great sense of belonging. Do you feel that as well? It is good you are so close with your kids and that they are being raised in a Christian home. With the world the way it is it is critical that children know right from wrong, what is acceptable and what isn't, how to treat people, etc.. Good job, James!!!!! You are lifted up in prayer as always.

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Your ICD has a better memory than you.

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