Merlin@Home Transmitter

My unit transmits OK but the light and transmitter symbol stay lit and blink until I push button to reset. Is that normal?


Merlin@home send attempt

by thaddeusj15039 - 2017-05-09 15:42:53


I'm not sure if you're referencing the normal "sending" process (progress lights scrolling from L to R) or a send error (all progress lights flashing simultaneously). During a normal send attempt, the progress lights will scroll from L to R for 10-15 minutes and when the transmission has been sent successfully, the star icon will light up. If all your progress lights are flashing simultenously, the transmitter has encountered an error while trying to send your data. It's difficult to tell what that error might be without knowing how you're connecting (landline, cell adapter, broadband kit), so I recommend reaching out to technical support :)

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