Neurocardiacgenic Syncope and Pacemakers

I was wondering if anyone with neurocardiac genic syncope has a pacemaker and did it  help? Is there a certain type that is better?  Did it alleviate the presyncope symptoms?  Any advice would be helpful!  Might be going next month to get one.  



by Tracey_E - 2017-05-12 23:03:13

NCS is a combination of heart pauses and/or sudden drops in blood pressure. People react differently to pacing as a fix. Some are have no more symptoms, some don't feel much difference, some are in between. It depends how it manifests. If iyou just have heart pauses, the pacer will make sure that never happens, easy fix. If the bp drops are a result of the heart pausing, the pacer may prevent the drops because it won't let the heart pause. If the bp drops first, the pacer can't control that. All it can do is be on standby to add beats when the heart slows/pauses. 

I do

by Jeffand - 2017-05-13 19:27:48

37 years old, passing our once to twice a year due to pauses and bp drop, verified with an implantable loop recorder. Got my pm about a year ago. I had one episode since in the middle of the night. Still had the pre-syncope symptoms and bp drop, but didn't psss out this time. Too early to say if the rate has decreased since it's pretty infrequent, but at least the one I've had didn't include full passing out. But again, everyone is different. 

You know you're wired when...

Your kids call you Cyborg.

Member Quotes

Yesterday I moved to a new place in my mind and realized how bad I felt 'before' and the difference my pacemaker has made.