Reacting badly to Atenolol

OK. So I've been on Atenolol for three weeks now. I have SSS. Pacemaker for the bradycardia and Atenolol for the tachycardia. For a guy who can normally swim 3km without problem, I now have to take a break every 200 meters despite swimming easy strokes. I am out of breath and suffering extreme muscle fatigue. I know that this is to be expected to a certain extent. The thing is that there seems to be no effect on my overall condition. If anything, I am feeling worse: S.O.B., dizziness, dimming of the senses, tingling in the arms. My heartbeat is all over the place. And this is just walking at a regular pace. I walked from the pool to the bus station today, about 1 km. I had to stop a half-dozen times and grab a hold of something to keep from kissing the ground. I have a call in to my cardiologist to ask him if I can interrup the medication. In the meantime, everytime I climb the (short) stairs at home, I feel like I've completed a 1,500 m freestyle. I am afraid I'll pass out and drive my wife to distraction. She seems to have a problem with her husband fainting and falling down a flight of stairs. Go figure! I would rather deal with the occasional arrythmia than feel the way I currently do.

Any thoughts?


Atenolol Did Me In Too

by Lurch - 2017-05-12 15:55:11

I was on Atenolol for a couple of years.  Told my Cardiologis that I felt like I was living in a jar of malasses, took too much effort to do anthing!  He took me off of it 16 months ago and put me on an ACE Inhibitor instead.  So far, so good, but I am experiencing more PVC's as time goes on....

Talk to your Cardiologist and see if you are a candiate to come off the Beta Blocker.

Good thing you wife keeps you in line.... my does too!

You know you're wired when...

You participate in the Pacer Olympics.

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My ICD/pacer is not a burden. I still play tennis and golf.