Alivecor Kardia mobile ecg

Has anyone ever used an hand held personal ecg unit / app such as the above. Are they worth the money?


Yes, I have

by Lurch - 2017-05-13 12:10:30

I have had the Alivecor for more then a year (before it became Kardia).  I have an ICD and am not routinely paced.  I use it to record an ECG when I don't feel well.  I often share them with my Cardiologist who has helped me understand them.  You can print them out of email them, and, for a fee have them read by Cardiologist or Technicians through Kardia. 

It very often records my PVC's.  Also shows that I have an inverted T wave due to a conduction delay.

I have read that if you are being paced it is not as realiable because the pacing signal interferes, but have no first hand knowledge of that. 

Personal ECG device

by LondonAndy - 2017-05-13 12:36:46

I am a great believer in being able to self-help, and to have facts when something doesn't feel right, as well as being a gadget enthusiast, so I have a variety of medical things at home one of which is a "Prince 180D easy ECG monitor", which I have had for some time.  This has 4 leads, and an inbuilt colour LCD display.  I have been quite impressed with how easy it has been to use, and the display output looks just the same as I have seen when an ECG is done in hospital. It uses similar, self adhesive dosposable pads to attach the leads to the body, with easy to follow diagnostics if you attach them incorrectly.

Although the machine offers some automatic diagnosis functions, frankly I haven't really understood what I am looking at.  The instruction booklet has been translated from Chinese with generally good readability, but not always.  Of my assorted medical conditions I think my pacemaker has given me no issues, so to be honest I have kinda given up on the ECG, relying on hospital and clinic testing instead, but I am keeping this unit in case i feel unwell in the future and want to see if this tells me anything useful at that time.  

People with different conditions may well find it more useful than I have.

I have one

by Myridom - 2017-05-29 02:42:01

I have also had mine for over a year. I find that it is really not that useful.
It is really for Afib patients, as that is what it is designed to detect.

While it is kinda cool to have a look when I'm feeling off and see the PVC's. It is esentually a single lead EKG and is subject to lots of interference from both you and external signals.

If you are really interested take a look here:

A lot of information about the models and the features..

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