Icd Alarm

From your Alarm 1st goes off to tell you your battery is running low, how long does it usually take to get a battery replacement I'm know almost two Months and only have an outpatient appointment for end of the month



by AndyB - 2017-09-07 05:23:25


I only discovered that my pm had an alarm 3 days ago.

A few months ago, May I think! I started getting a muscle twitch by my pm. i have motor neurone disease which itself causes muscle twitching (fasiculations) in my arms , legs and abdomen so I assumed the twitching was to do,with my MND. I went for my annual pm check 3 days ago and was told that the battery was almost expired and the pm was slowly shutting down. I was admitted to hospital and had an urgent pm replacement the following day.

I had never been told that the pm had an inbuilt alarm.

so, the alarm was being triggered intermittently for about 3 to 4 months, this was for an ELA pacemaker. I'd had this pm for 11 years.

I now have a Sorin pm.


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