Twitch in front of arm pit on pace maker side of my body

Hi Everyone - just wondering if anyone has experienced a twitch in their upper arm and was it possibly due to their pace maker.  During the past few months this has happened, mostly at night and it keeps me awake.  Could it be because of a lead?  I have had my pace maker since 2010 and probably will be getting a new one next year the doctor says.


Just a thought

by Gotrhythm - 2017-05-23 13:49:05

I'm not a doctor, but if I'd had a PM for seven years with no troulbe with the leads, my first thought would not be the pacemaker. 

You say it happens mostly at night, presumably while you are lying down, relaxing, ready to go to sleep. Sometimes, oddly enough, muscles will start to twitch when they have been in a spasm and are trying to relax. The next time it starts up, try putting an ice pack on the place that's twitching for 15 minutes.

See if that will intterrupt the cycle and let the muscle relax completely.

Twitch in front of arm pit on pace maker side of my body

by JAE3 - 2017-05-23 14:27:33

Thanks for your thoughts.  I will definitely try an ice pack tonight!  I feel better already!

Hi JAE3..............

by Tattoo Man1 - 2017-05-23 15:49:57

................You know I get this as well from time to can look down and see it spasming...I was, at first, a bit concerned.  My Cardiologist told me that its no more than sensitive muscle tissue reacting to a 'Foreign Body'...

This reaction happens sometimes after a run or gym work.

If you have the right audience..such as Mrs can get a bit of a laugh out of it...if anyone out there can think of a soundtrack that resonates with a lethargic 30 bpm ..let me know....

And..NO...I'm not resonating to some kind of Death March !!!

67th Birthday today...last Saturday did a half decent 5k race at Thoresby Hall in Nottinghamshire in 35.08...

Looking forward to Treadmill Test next week on the 30th

Tattoo Man



me too

by PhilUK - 2017-05-30 05:37:25

  I also have this spasm at times. Usually if I am leant on my left elbow. It is quite vigorous and can be seen undel a loose shirt. 

You know you're wired when...

Your ICD has a better memory than you.

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At age 20, I will be getting a pacemaker in few weeks along with an SA node ablation. This opportunity may change a five year prognosis into a normal life span! I look forward to being a little old lady with a wicked cane!