Other than battery life what needs to be checked

My first pacemaker was reading that the battery would be running out in 2015. It did not. Every check up said the same thing..I would go into end of life in 3 months. But from that time on I had been feeling awful. Very low blood pressure, dizzy, condusion, sleeping 12 hours a day or not sleeping at all, digestive issues and the list goes on. Hospitalized and tested several times but pacemaker always seemed to be in normal battery life. In February of 2017 this year I saw an EP for the first time, as opposed to my regular cardiologst and he said I needed it changed immediately, which I  did. All my health issues  went away that day! I sleep fine, have more energy, less digestive issues, normal blood pressure, no dizzy spells, feeling like a new person. Could there have been something wrong with the last pacemaker for those last two years other than battery life? I don't ever want that to happen again. I was having difficulty with a slowed down digestive system and gall bladder. I had the gall bladder removed but still had the same problems. The gall bladder pathology came back that it was a healthy normal organ. I just felt like my whole body was functioning in slow motrion and getting to the point of shutting down. Now I feel fine. How can a pacemaker make such a difference?


Yes a pacemaker can make that much difference!

by Gotrhythm - 2017-06-05 13:16:03

I am not knowledgeable enough about battery EOL to comment on that aspect of your question, but what you describe as the result of getting a new pacemaker, i.e. feeling fine--well, that's what a pacemaker that's working the way it is meant to does!

Every cell in your body needs oxygen in order to flive. To function well, it needs a good steady supply of oxygen. A pacemaker keeps your heart beating fast enough to send oxygenated blood to every part of your body and to carry away the toxins that are the by-product of the cells doing their work.

The good news is now you have a pacemaker that is working the way it should. You feel good and your health is restored.

For your future health, I would suggest you continue with the EP who recognized that the old pacemaker, was in End-of-Life and knew what to do about it. 


You know you're wired when...

Your old device becomes a paper weight for your desk.

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I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for pacemakers. I've had mine for 35+ years. I was fainting all of the time and had flat-lined also. I feel very blessed to live in this time of technology.