
Anxiety is an enemy to our lives. It has no care how old you are or when it decides to invade your mind and body. It will meet you in the supermarket. It's time of attacks will come in your quietest moments. It has a way of disrupting our will to have the peace of mind we all deserve. It will rob you of your happiness. It begins to attack your body more and more as the thoughts of doom is in scripted in your mind. It's been said that anxiety can brings you to a world of uncontrolled physical breakdowns. I'm one to know about it's phases of attacks. With the multiple visits to the hospital from me knowing for sure that something is wrong. Truly convinced because of my physical pains and the dysfunctional feelings of my heart. I was having something I could not control; anxiety attacks. Many testes done and nothing found. Anxiety will confuse your very souls in believing this life is coming to an end.
Let me share some of the feelings anxiety can cause you physically and emotionally. The introduction of anxiety has been said to start with stress. Stress of the lost to a love one. For us here at the club the uncertainty of our hearts not beating right or functioning in it's rightful obligation brings us on edge. Needing a pacemaker to continue your life is a bit scary. Let's face it peoples, you can be scared and it's okay! What you don't want to do is be alone in this fear. My friend your not alone and many are not afraid anymore because they know the ways anxiety can be confronted. It works through your mind slowly and creates a home in your thoughts so getting rid of it will take time. We must find a way to get passed it's strong hold on our lives. It begins to attack your body more and more as the thoughts of doom is in scripted in your mind. I know this first hand because I've been through all the stages of it's attack. Trying to explain the feelings can be so hard to put into words and at other times it was clear as crystal of what I felt. As I fault with all that I had to stay out of this world of feelings that are not normal even to the near death person. What a world of hurt anxiety can bring to your life.
I'm encouraging you to fight this battle with anxiety with knowing all that you are. In case you forgotten who and what you are, let me tell you. Your a much needed mother or father to your children. You're someone special and many need you to be well in mind and spirit so that they may live in peace from your peace. Your someone who someone else has hopes of being like. Your the rock that keeps people grounded. Your smile is being looked at in someone's remembrance of you. Your that special flower that keeps growing even in the cold winter season. Your heart is beating not just for your life but the lives of others who count on you being here. Let's get a grip on this anxiety thing and I pray this unnatural attack to be released from you in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord. The bible says that if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can move mountains. Today I command the mountain of anxiety to be removed from your life. May you stand on new grounds of hope and happiness. May you have new wisdom to counter attack this anxiety issue that is hindering you from being you. God bless you and remember you are not alone in this world. You will come out of this! Amen



I dont feel so alone

by Saphire416 - 2008-01-11 09:01:15

Thank you for making me feel not so alone in my fight with this fear. I'm 11 days out and the anxiety is always right there fighting to get through. You have given me some hope that I will succeed in getting past these days and remember that there are people counting on me. God bless you.

You have warmed my heart on this clod winters' day

by pacergirl - 2008-01-11 10:01:25

Thank you.... very true and very kind. Your message brings tears to my eyes....
Thank you.

so its not just me

by Aztec - 2008-01-18 09:01:06

ive had my pm / icd since aug 07 ive had a few shocks and im going crazy iam scared to drive or even go out to do shopping anymore iam ready to ask the doc to remove this thing iam on xanax now but i think i need a good strong drink , and the one that suffers is my son cause i dont want to do anything like i used anyway thanks maybe we all should keep in touch to know were not alone..
thanks god bless


God is so faithful!

by rendyroo - 2008-08-19 02:08:35

It really has done me good to have this site/club.
I am 49 and the last two years have been quite a ride.
In 2006 I had my third back surgery. After recovery I thought I could finally get on with things. (I have four children these last two are 6 & 7). In 2007 spring, I began to be very ill. Throwing up, and serious pain in my right side. Finally after a couple months of off and on sickness I went to the ER. After two days of tests I went in for a "routine" gall bladder removal only to end up on life support with a HUGE incision. Waking with tubes everywhere I panicked and was put back to sleep. I was finally sent home to recover. Two days home and I was so swollen and sick hubby took me back to the er. They kept me overnight then sent me back home. Keeping the little drain ball emptied wore me out. After two weeks or so they took out the drain. Still vomiting, a couple new symptoms added; chest pain and I couldn't get air. Over the course of time and three more trips to the er I was told "not to worry, I must have pulled a chest muscle" and again sent home.
I couldn't lay down to sleep, my chest hurt and I knew things were dire. My husband explained why he'd missed so much work because he was trying to take care of me and our two little girls. He was told to take me to the Seattle area for help so we did. In about two hours they had diagnosed me with CHF and Caridiomyopothy. About two weeks later (Sept. 2007)was fit with a Biotronic 3 lead PM. I have struggled with so many emotions since...
I have a less than caring support system. My mom says I need to push harder. I should be "over it" by now. My brother jokingly said he was going to take care of me in dad's garage with the welder. (the one thing named as dangerous for a PM). My husband tries, but the diet I'm supposed to be on is TOTAL opposite of what we used to eat. It's just too hard to make several meals....
Anyway, thanks....
To be reminded that God has kept me alive and he wants me to get on with life, and although different it can still be good.

Thank You James

by Shaun - 2017-07-16 15:29:46


You know you're wired when...

You are always wired and full of energy.

Member Quotes

I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.