
Just a question for the group- so I have all kinds of fun stuff going on - second pacemaker in 5 years,  added a third lead with the second implant. I have afib, and complete heart block, and failure 

Recently on my lay remote check, dr noted that I was in 68% afib for about two months. I am on eliquis, low dose of lisinapril, and low dose of carvedilol, (fortunately high blood pressure is one issue I don't have) and lasix 

Just wondering if anyone has had the discussion on disability when you see symptoms like this as I work in sales that is stressful and I am on my feet 8 hours give or take.  I know the standard response is the constant fainting, 3 times, hospitalized 3 times etc.

also- I am only 42

anyone have thoughts on this or has experienced this?

thanks in advance




by The real Patch - 2017-07-13 12:34:13

Personally, my opinion is that you need to contact an attorney who specializes in disability and present your case to him/her, see what they say. Typically the first meeting is free, so nothing to lose. Don't just assume you are or not elligible, it's a complex issue and you need a pro to look at your situation to help in your decision. Attorneys who specialize in this discipline have a lot of experience and can tell whether you have a shot or not.

Good luck


by Gotrhythm - 2017-07-14 10:50:20

I'm with TR Patch. Ask a professional. Disability is way complicated.

In addition to lawyers who specialize in disability, there are consultants, not law firms, that are in the business of advising and advocating about social security issues..

From what I have observed of friends' experience, consulting a professional was well worth it. 

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As for my pacemaker (almost 7 years old) I like to think of it in the terms of the old Timex commercial - takes a licking and keeps on ticking.