The most powerful words I've ever heard!

The words that kept my heart beating

In the first year of having my pacemaker implanted I was suffering emotionally and physically. I was not use to my heart racing all night. I was having panic attack and thinking my heart was going to stop; other times I would think it was going to explode because of the rapid heartbeats. One night I was worrying myself sick. I was feeling very bad and my heart was pumping so fast I felt as though it was going to come out of my chest. I was afraid and called a family member to take me to the hospital. I was walking up and down the hallway in frantic; both my kids were there with me. They were very upset and concern. I tried to keep my cool so I wouldn't scare them, but children can see and feel our pain. As I was waiting for my ride to come my son (Nicholas) said something to me that would give me the strength to hang on to my life. He said, "Daddy; I wish I had a pacemaker just like you so when you die I will die to and then we could both go to heaven at the same time." I never thought the most powerful words I've ever heard would come from a child. I love you Nicholas and thank you for your words of love and power.



by Zia - 2011-02-11 06:02:38

What a kid!! Who was it said "out of the mouths of babes" comes wisdom

Wow is right!

by agelbert - 2011-02-11 07:02:54

In air traffic control we used to have a saying about situations that could have resulted in tragedy but, to our relief, didn't; God does a lot of this.

He does. And He used your child to let you know how dearly He loves you.


by ElectricFrank - 2011-02-12 01:02:10

Never try to fool a kid. I've never succeeded.



by johnl - 2011-02-12 03:02:54

Have been feeling down today, but have just read your post and it gave me a great boost, thanks


by admin - 2011-02-12 08:02:05

Thanks for sharing your story. Kids may be small, but smart.


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