Pacemaker surgery

Hi guys, so my girlfriend's doctor adviced her to have a pacemaker surgery.. But she's too scared to do it.. So if you guys would be ao kind to post or comment on how the surgery will go and what to expect, you know, just to boost her confidence. Tell her how it changes your lives etc etc


Please dont scare her hehe thank you guys



by donr - 2017-08-20 23:11:47

Too Iittle Info......

Why is she supposed to have it?  Her cardiac condition?  Diagnosis?  How old is she?  Her overall state of health?

ANY heart surgery is major surgery, even though a PM implant is considered minor & simple. ANY time some guy goes grubbing around inside your heart, it is major to the patient.  You only have ONE heart & it has to work for continued life.  The diagnosis can run from "Simple" Bradycardia (unacceptably slow heart rate) to rather complex (Requiring a third lead being inserted into the left ventricle) to critical (Inserting an ICD defibrillator to protect against sudden cardiac arrest & potentially sudden death).

All of the procedures are straightforward, fast and quickly recovered from by nearly all patients - in & out on same day.  Generally, they only sedate the patient & use a strong local for the area where they cut & work.  You wake up quickly & are clear-headed & ready to go.  They can & HAVE to be able to talk to you while the procedure is ongoing.  You remember none of the events later.  well generally you don't.  I recall having a nurse lift the sheet covering my head & body sometime during the procedure to just say "Hi!"  I asked her what was going on & she replied "Just checking to see if you were still down here,"  & laughed.  Takes about 30 - 45 min for the job. 

YES - it can hurt afterward - after all, you have your body cut open & sewn back up.  But THAT depends on the individual.  I had mine implanted at about 7 PM.  went home the next AM, stopped for lunch, went to a lmber yard, hardware store & a couple other places for errands.  Next day I was working on the house we were building.  Just didn't use the left arm.

Own piece of advice for her - Tell every member of the OR team how scared you are; ask a million questions - "Why & what are they doing; what's next?'  Chat them up.  They understand.  Also, it will occupy your mind & ease the fear - which is normal!  If they use the sedative "Propofol,"  it takes about 7 seconds for it to get from the syringe to the centerof the brain that it affects.  very relaxing & comfy while it acts.  How fast do you awaken?  I timed my daughter as she came back from sedation after a colonoscopy last week.  10 min from first flicker of an eyelid to chatting coherently w/ me.

NOW!!! if anyone says anything that is intended to scare her, I will personally track you down, hang you by your big toes & flog you w/ a restraining strap off a hosp bed!

The best to the lady!  Get it done then come back & tell me if I am correcct.



by Berns31 - 2017-08-20 23:33:15

Sorry i didnt include she has bradycardia :) thanks for the comment


And she's 25 yrs old

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