
Hello Everyone, i am 39 years old and 7 weeks out of icd implant.

I am going to have endoscopy, colonoscopy and i am really worried, about complications because of the icd and the endoscopy require sedation.

Has anyone had surgery or endoscopy that requires sedation? Please let me know if there is any complication.

Any feedbacks would be greatly appreciated




No big deal! I've had ...

by donr - 2017-08-22 09:04:19

...Several procedures requiring sedation since my PM was implanted.  Several EGD's several colonoscopies, two major foot surgeries using a spinal block + sedation lasting about an hour each.  Whoops!  forgot a major tooth extraction.



Don't worry

by shelee - 2017-08-22 10:28:30

Hi, I have had sedation after pacemaker. There is no reason why it should be a problem.


by Ladyh - 2017-08-22 12:30:42

Thanks to everyone for your responses.

Kind regards


It's only minor procedures

by TAC - 2017-08-22 17:16:29

Endoscopy and colonoscopy are not surgeries because there is no need to cut anything. A PM implantation does requiere a little cutting, but it's very minor and superficial. Anesthesia for all these procedures is very brief and is being done for your comfort, actually it's not absolutely necessary.  PM can be implanted with local anestesia, but a few minutes of sleep makes it more pleasant. No need to worry, think only about the benefits of these procedures.


by Ladyh - 2017-08-22 18:37:49

Thanks for your comment, i feel relieved and looking forward to having my procedures without fear.

Thanks alot,



by Bela - 2017-08-22 22:37:07

Don't worry. I had no problems with sedation.  


by Ladyh - 2017-08-23 02:05:31

Hello Bela,

good to hear that you did not have  problem it sedation.

I will give it  go



Don't worry

by Gotrhythm - 2017-08-23 15:16:16

I've had more anesthesia and sedation in the last six years since getting a pacemaker than in the entire sixty-eight years previous. 

No problems.


by Ladyh - 2017-08-23 17:56:12

Thanks alot


by PacemakerGal89 - 2017-08-24 20:58:51

I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy done at the same time to confirm my gerd and celiac disease and they gave me general anesthesia. I have had two more operations including having my fallopian tubes removed from complications from my past and I was absolutely fine. Mild sedation won't affect you but if you tolerate anaesthesia well I would almost recommend asking for that instead. Honestly after you go through the night before where the song The ring of fire becomes apparent, the next day will be a breeze. I wish you luck with your procedure!

Been there 3 or 4 times over the years

by MartyP - 2017-08-24 21:43:13

I've had the upper and lower every 5 years or so.

Every time the anesthesiologist has used Propofol.... aka Milk of Amnesia. 

It is a no brainer for me and my wife as well, also had it for the PM implant 14 weeks ago.

One minute you are awake, the next you know, you wake up, with no dizziness or distress, have some juice, get up and go home (You need someone to drive you from and to home)

Its a miracle drug.


by Ladyh - 2017-08-25 10:30:31

Thanks to everyone for your responses, advice and encouragement.

Thanks once again, i will you all a lovely weekend.


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