What is the best exercise for my specific condition?

I am 28 and I want to do some form of exercise but I find myself a bit more limited than I would like to be. With Complete 3rd Degree Heart Block and a pacemaker, how much exercise should I get per day? And is walking alright for that? I can't over or under exert myself. I've also heard of many people going vegan for their hearts but I honestly think just eliminating dairy and red meat is the surefire way to have a healthier diet. Any responses would be appreciated if they're sent with love and support. I do not wish to be chewed out again on this website for feeling down about having these electronics for well over a decade and just simply asking questions and some people can be incredibly hurtful on here. I am hypersensitive emotionally as many are with these devices so be mindful of that before commenting. Thanks in advance!


3rd degree block

by Tracey_E - 2017-08-25 11:03:21

Walking is great exercise! Go for it :)

Who chewed you out? I'm a moderator, feel free to private message me. I've been away more than I've been home for the last month but try to keep an eye on things so they stay friendly and supportive.

Who said don't overexert? I have the same condition and my doctor has always encouraged me to be active, to forget the pacer is there and live my life. The pacer fixes our problem and gives us a normal heart beat so I have no physical restrictions. My exact instructions are "stop if it doesn't feel right and don't do anything stupid."  He rolls his eyes a lot because I'm his only patient who does Crossfit, but he didn't say stop or even modify.   Ask your doctor what's right for you but if that's the only thing wrong, you should be able to work out as hard as you want. 

The best workout for you is the one that you enjoy and will keep doing long term, the one that makes you feel good and look forward to it rather than dread it. For me, Crossfit is what stuck. I like it because I get bored easily and the workouts change every day, and it pushes my limits. 

I've never been given diet restrictions but I try hard to take care of myself. I avoid processed foods, ingredients I can't pronounce, whites (flour, sugar, rice, potato), anything fried or fatty. My electrical system is wonky, I figure the worst thing I can do is eat stuff that will clog my arteries or give me diabetes. I do eat red meat once or twice a week and small amounts of dairy (milk in my coffee, occasional yogurt or hard cheese). To each his own, but I don't have as much energy when I don't eat meat. I work out hard so I need protein, I don't think soy products are good for us, and I don't think I get enough of the right proteins from just plant sources. So, meat works for me. Experiment and see what works best for you, no two of us are alike. A common sense approach with a diet we can live with long term is better than a diet that's overly restrictive or not sustainable so don't feel like you need to be crazy strict or live a life that feels deprived. 


by The real Patch - 2017-08-25 12:29:44

Walking is the best form of exercise for heart patients. Not the only form, just the best of all. I try to maintain a 4 mile per hour pace (1 mile in 15 minutes) for at least a mile each evening plus a mile at a more leisurely pace in the morning. You might want to ask your Cardiologist for a recommendation for Cardiac Rehab. There they teach you proper exercises for your condition as well as nutrition and healthy living habits under medical supervision.

My opinion, and only my opinion is that doing things like jumping to a Vegan diet immediately does as much harm as good. Ease into things and frankly don't get carried away. Do what works for you. Over time you will knoiw the ins and out and just do things automatically.

Whatever you decide to do, get back to enjoying life and try to put your pacemaker out of your thoughts. Good luck to you. I know this is overwhelming and frightening to newbies but hang in we're here for you...oh and you'll figure out who the bird brains are here and just ignore them


by mckate - 2017-08-28 14:26:45

Heart block patient here as well, 31yo. I work a job that includes walking a lot. I have two kids which also includes walking a lot. I enjoy lifting weights when I can find time. So I say, walking! Haha! I find running difficult. My pacemaker clinic has adjusted settings to best suit me, the max is 160bpm. I was not a runner before my pacemaker, so I don't expect to be one now, although it'd be nice. Find what you enjoy. I find the more frequently I do move, the better I feel.

Re: exercise

by bionicgirl - 2017-09-29 05:39:23

Agree with the others: walking 30 minutes 2-3 times a week is enough :)


The important thing is: happy exercise :)


wear your favorite outfit for exercise...try to forget you have pacemaker inside you ;)

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