Unexplained ups and downs in general health

My pacemaker was implanted because of chronic atrial fibrillation. The procedure was AV nodal ablation -- the only procedure suitable for my age. For the most part I am pleased although I do on a semi regular basis suffer from frequent skipped beats, low energy, internal agitation and unreasonable fatigue. These symptoms can sometimes last up to a month and then suddenly disappear and I may have several weeks of perfect health...energy, regular uninterrupted heart beat, and no internal agitation. Does anyone else have such periods that can't be explained. My doctor and cardiologist both agree that my heart is in great condition and they cannot detect the skipped beats.



Discomfort and loss of energy

by Scubaguy - 2008-04-28 01:04:53

Funny you should mention this. Your symptoms are similar to mine, except that when they come, I usually have some discomfort inbetween the breasts on the chest. Not really pain and no other heart symptoms. I just feel "not right" and this may last a week or more, but then just disappears. I just went to my cardiologist and had labs, x-ray, pulmonary, ekg and he tells me I'm fine. Of course, at the time I felt fine. Unfortunately for me, my cardiologist is 100 miles away at a VA hospital and I don't have "quick" access to him. I have an implanted ICD which was put in back in 2005. I don't get shocks and it's checked about every 6 months. I have a history of VTacs. When I have the discomfort I mentioned above, I can't really feel VTacs.


treadmill test?

by johnc_19 - 2008-04-28 04:04:42

Ask you doctors to evaluate your lead performance during a treadmill test. Sometimes the lead impedance changes in relation to your activity / body posture.

Not unusual

by ElectricFrank - 2008-04-29 12:04:22

Up's and down's in our heath seem to happen on a regular basis. Having a heart problem and pacer makes us more aware of this. My other suspicion is the quality of our food supply. We keep hearing about contaminants in imported foods and these are only the ones that get reported. I also notice that changes in the weather, especially the passage of low pressure fronts coincide with not feeling well.



by Gudrun - 2008-04-30 09:04:20

It is comforting to know that others share similar ups and downs. Thank you for your responses and your encouragement. I will follow up on your suggestions and or other comments and let you know what I learn.


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