Battery life--so far!!!--update information

When my pacer was put in the battery life was 12.5 yr at one month check

six months later it dropped to 8 years

six months later it stayed at 8 years

six months later it dropped to 7 years

six months later it dropped to 6.5 years

So in 2 1/2 years it lost 4 years of battery life but leveling off nicely.

I was quite anxious after the first check, but it appears this is a normal discharge rate as it takes awhile for the battery to adjust to the "juice" demand. Hope the battery now behaves!!   

I remember the Medtronic tech joking about why they don't use batteries that last longer-----they want to sell more pace makers????

Now me and the battery are seeing which one will give out first!!!!



you overlooked...

by The real Patch - 2017-09-13 18:50:17

you do know that you could actually have a situation where the voltage hasn't changed but your consumption at the point in time they interrogate your device has gone up resulting in a shortened projected useful life. What you call "Juice demand" can change day to other words strop fixating on this meaningless information, worry when the battery goes dead

battery estimates

by Tracey_E - 2017-09-13 19:05:50

I don't pay a lot of attention to the estimates until it says under a year. Many factors go into the estimate but it's still just a guess. I'm on my 5th device. Some lasted longer than expected, some less. Replacements are super easy so don't stress over it. 


by Bionic Beat - 2017-09-13 20:35:29

when you get to the last part of battery life, they will watch you very carefully.  they dont just let people pass away for want of a new battery.  they will have you in and replace it.

Ive had one recalled in 2015 for sudden depletion of power and they had me in and replaced it quite quickly.  Im paced 100% of the time but even then, they felt it was NOT an emergency, just urgent.

best wishes,

Bionic Beat

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I am just now 40 but have had these blackouts all my life. I am thrilled with the pacer and would do it all over again.