
Hey everybody, I'm new here. I'm 21 and I've had an ICD since 2014 due to cardiac arrest. Had a new one put in this past March and have since been experiencing a lot of anxiety because of my history of being shocked. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced a dream or nightmare where it felt like the ICD went off? I woke up in a panic this morning after dreaming I was kicked in the chest. I am fine physically I think but I'm generally concerned because part of me thinks the device may have actually shocked me.


Jesus Jolts

by The real Patch - 2017-09-14 12:26:27

well the only way to know for sure whether this was a phantom Jesus Jolt or the real thing is an interrogation. That and as you know the real things tends to leave an dull ache in the heart muscle for a day or so.

You know phantom jolts are not uncommon and in fact used to be far more prevalent when they would shock you during implant to test the threshold necessary to revive you. The mind is powerful and it can be near impossible to differentiate between real and fake news.

Here's the question, does it matter? You're alive and with us, if it was real it did it's job. Don't overthink this stuff, focus on enjoying life

You know you're wired when...

You have the perfect reason to show off your chest.

Member Quotes

It becomes a part of your body just like any other part.