Micra Pacemaker from Medtronics - Nano technology is here to stay

Wow, today has been great.  Woke up feeling wonderful.   I got my pacemaker in yesterday at 10 am,  home by 6 pm.  No pain anywhere..  worst thing about the whole thing was getting shaved???    No chest wounds to deal with or wires to break  I have no arm restrictions period.. there are no wires!!!  2  Steri strip on groin only.  I will tough it out and abide by my doctors wishes not to swim, bike, dive or surf or weight lift for several weeks  just to be on the safe side .



by TBrous&Chip - 2017-09-15 10:15:39

Glad you are feeling well


by pearleamy - 2017-09-18 17:50:33

Amazing I hope my daughter who is 5 can have one of these one day as less evasive I'm from uk 🇬🇧 but this has given me hope for the future 

Tin y pacemaker

by Triman67 - 2017-09-19 22:58:43

Yep well by the time she may need a pacemaker it will probably be smaller than a flea rather than a vitamin capsule  like my new one!!!

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Without this little machine, we would not be here.