Medical Records app and/or medical ID bracelets?

Do you use an app on your phone to show you have a pm? Do you wear/use ID tags/ bracelets  to indicate you have a pm? If so,  which one(s)? 


Zip drives

by ljharper62 - 2017-09-22 11:54:43

My experience with zip drives from when my husband was in the hospital: most will NOT plug a zip/flash drive into their computers.

I have a medical ID bracelet that directs gives my 2 main issues: diabetes and pacemaker and directs them to my phone and medtronic card. I have a phone app that does not require them to unlock my phone to see all of my medical information. 

My primary even said that most of the time hospitals and EMTs do not look for background information until later. Scary thought if you are alone. 


by Tracey_E - 2017-09-22 12:14:31

I have an online medical record from American Medical. I have bracelets from Laurens Hope and NStyle that have my name, PACEMAKER and the phone number/password to my OMR. OMR has everything from meds to emergency contact to surgical history and doctors. I only put bare minimum on the bracelets because things can change and I didn't want them to be obsolete.


by SusieSparks - 2017-09-22 13:51:16

It's helpful to hear your thoughts. Thanks! 


by The real Patch - 2017-09-22 18:45:58

just call your local fire station and ask them since they are most likely the ones to show up when you throw a party and begin dancing the macarena. The paramedics who came to my coming out party recommended specific details to put on my medic alert tags.


by TBrous&Chip - 2017-09-23 06:34:40

I chose a Road ID bracelet and their online service to store additional information.  I wear the bracelet if I go anywhere without my wife or going to any large group event where she and I may get separated.  She is the only person I trust to speak for me. I do carry an ID card in my wallet. On my cell phone lock screen there is imedical nformation. Of course the pm scar and bump is an obvious sign also.

Just trying to second guess where paramedics might look.

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