Turning off ICD

  • by DMJ
  • 2017-10-18 15:57:57
  • ICDs

Hello, I did not see anyone comment on turning off ICD at the end of  human life.  I understand that the pacemaker funtion can remain, yet the ICD be turned off. I'm looking for a form to put with my end of life care so this can be done.  I'm very afraid of being shocked when I'm dying.


The end

by The real Patch - 2017-10-18 16:23:33

Some of this may only be applicable in the US, not sure where you are.

There is no form. You can place a statement in your "Advanced Directives" which dictates under what conditions to shut off the defibrillator function of your device.

You can also get the pacemaker switched off unless you are pacemaker dependent. Pacemaker dependent does not man 100% paced, it is when your heart will not beat without the pacing function turned on. I recommend you discuss it with your Cardiologist and have a lawyer draw up the best terminology.

Printable Advanced Directives packages with instructions can be found online.

Look to Hospic

by Gotrhythm - 2017-10-18 17:37:38

This reply might seem tangental, but it's really not.

By all means, do your advanced directives, but probably the best way of assuring that your ICD is handled compassionately when you are dying is to seek Hospice care. At Hospice, they are well aware of ICDs and pacemakers, know how to get them turned off, and can help you make the decision about when turning off is in your best interests.

Unfortunately, many families don't know about Hospice, or don't seek Hospice help until death is imminent, within hours or days, when in fact the patient could have been made more comfortable for months before, and the family could have received support through a difficult time. But anytime you call upon Hospice is better than not asking for Hospice at all.

Most Hospices offer several levels of care and different Hospices have different guideline for accepting patients. Even if you feel you have no need of Hospice now, it might set your mind at ease to learn more about what the Hospice that serves your community can offer when you do need it. They can also advise you about advance directives.


by Gotrhythm - 2017-10-19 14:00:10

I'd lke to add a point of clarification to this discussion.

Not sure where TR Patch is getting his information re: turning off pacemaker. Pacemakers can be turned off at the request of the patient period. Ethicallly, they belong to the same class as other artificial life support equipment, and discontinuing their use is the patient's and only the patient's choice.


thank you Gotrhythm

by ROBO Pop - 2017-10-20 12:37:48

"Not sure where TR Patch is getting his information re: turning off pacemaker. Pacemakers can be turned off at the request of the patient period. Ethicallly, they belong to the same class as other artificial life support equipment, and discontinuing their use is the patient's and only the patient's choice."

Emphatic. Admittedly I wasn't clear that this only applied in certain states in the US, still, Wow, I will definitely be bringing this up to my Cardiologist. Not sure where the break down occurred guess when the state medical board told him they cannot switch off a pacemaker dependent patient's device they had failed to consult with you to gain the benefit of your vast knowledge on all topics, your wisdom, on all topics, and your willingness to spread your stuff freely

Seems Blake doesn't really need anybody but you to answer patients questions, saves potential mistakes.

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