Post PM implant

I am from the uk and found this site several months ago and I have to say has helped me a great deal with information. I have a two lead PM implanted in June 2017 after 2 ablations to stop SVT. I have second degree heart block but since my implant I have been very short of breath and the extreme fatigue pm means I cant even hold up a book! Whilst I am very greatful for our NHS to carry out the implant, my life quality since has dramatcally reduced. Whilst I do not wish to simply moan, I have yet to see a cardiologist since implant for a follow up,in our part of the country we have severe capacity issues for cardiology appoitments. So I have no idea if the issues are centred around the PM or not? I am 68 and yes  I didnt expect to run out and bound about,but!



by Tracey_E - 2017-10-24 08:28:30

Did the ablation get the SVT? Are you on new medication? Meds for SVT can cause extreme fatigue, esp in the first few weeks. All the pacer is doing is making the ventricles beat when they don't keep up with the atria, completing the broken circuit. If the settings aren't optimized, this can make it frustrating to exercise but it shouldn't cause what you are describing. 

Hi post pm

by al.b - 2017-10-24 16:09:47

Thank you for your response. The first ablation didn’t work but the second did. Not on any meds and the consultant said it was implanted as a precaution!! I felt really great after the svt was fixed but since the pm implant gone downhill 

Living in UK (Dorset) too.....

by Mapleshaz - 2017-10-24 17:20:59

I am very concerned that you have not been seen. Our NHS does at time leave us wanting. I would suggest that you should be proactive and make phone calls. It is possible that you have fallen off the radar for whatever reason.  Please ring your GP, your cardiac ward, the Arrhythmia nurse, go to A&E etc. And let us know how you made out. ❤️

you need to be seen

by Tracey_E - 2017-10-24 21:10:53

The pacer can't cause what you are describing, something else is going on

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