Mental health post pm surgery

  • by B2
  • 2017-11-04 12:51:11
  • Coping

I had pm surgery in July 2015. After 28 months, I continue having various levels of anxiety. I feel different in a sad way. Comments are welcome.



Mental health

by Gotrhythm - 2017-11-04 17:03:30

Sorry you are having a hard time. View the results of our little poll in the box on the right and you'll see you are not alone. 

I'm not a doctor and can't advise you, but based on my experience, how your heart is doing and how you feel emotionally are intimately connected. Sometimes very small adjustments in our pacemaker settings can make a big difference in how easy (or hard) it is to feel upbeat and postive. I felt like myself for the first time after my base rate was changed from 65 to 70. However, to get those changes made, we need to be proactive. The doctor and techs won't change anything unless we indicate a problem and a desire for a change.

That said, not every problem we have after gettting a pacemaker is caused by to the pacemaker. Life goes on and people with pacemakers can have the same family issues, money problems, diseases, aging, and grief as anyone else.

If you've been dealing with this problem alone for two plus years, maybe it's time to seek some professional help.

Gotrhythm is right and .....

by MartyP - 2017-11-04 18:23:47

Many of us suffer from anxiety and depression after getting our PM's.  For me, it was really bad, I felt terrible and "my get up and go got up and was gone".

I had had a bout with depression many years ago when I was out of work, so I knew what it felt like and what it was.

I didn't wait, I found a great psychologist and a great psychiatrist who prescribed the Zoloft generic which I taken the last time.  It took about 2 to 3 weeks and the anxiety and depression were gone.  I'll stay o the Zoloft till December and then slowly ween off - that will probably take 2 to 3 weeks, can't just stop cold turkey.

Soooooooo as Gotrhythm so eloquently said, if this has been going along for as long as you said and you haven't sought help, don't wait any longer.  Find good doctors and let them help you.  There is no shame in seeking help !!

Let us know how you do ......

You know you're wired when...

You participate in the Pacer Olympics.

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My ICD/pacer is not a burden. I still play tennis and golf.