Just had pacemaker fitted 13/11/17

  • by hb3
  • 2017-11-18 22:19:33
  • Coping

 I just had a pace maker installed 13/11/17 and it was not as much fun as I thought it would be.

I am pissed of, needing a pacemaker after being a non smoker, and excercising 3 times a day after 3 bike runs, one which was very steep and challenging for over 40 years (I bicycle now because I wore out my knees jogging).

This year I noticed a stamina loss and after many X rays and cat scans ,blood tests a cardiac ultra sound under stress load found a heart beat of only 40 (I was that 10 years ago and was due to being super fit). Now I can't even do my morning swim for 6 weeks.



new pacemaker

by Scotters - 2017-11-18 22:57:33

I had my pacemaker put in 5 weeks ago and feel awful. I used to exercise everyday and now I can’t do anywhere near what I used to do without feeling tired this really sucks ! Don’t know if it will ever get better :(

Perspective: Use it or Lose it

by Gotrhythm - 2017-11-19 15:26:43

It feels like you've been sold a bill of goods, doesn't it? The popular media concentrates so on "heart health," meaning preventing coronary artery disease, that it can be hard to wrap your head around the fact that you can do everything right and still need a pacemaker.

Our hearts can be likened to clocks that are in mint condition but still don't keep time right. Or electrical pumps with a faulty switch.

It's a good news/bad news situation. The bad news is that you've got a heart rhythm issue. The good news is that a pacemaker (much easier to recover from than a coronary bypass) can allow you to lead a normal life--and over the same life span as someone without a pacemaker.

Given the years of improved health you can now look forward to, six weeks isn't really a lot. You glass is a lot more than half full.

I like to think I’m a washing machine

by Mapleshaz - 2017-11-19 16:51:52

I like to think I’m a washing machine. Not an old rusty one that has not been well looked after but a shiny brand new one.........with a factory acquired electrical fault.

The good news is that I have had a computer mother board replacement and now, I’m ready to roll!

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