Fl;uctuating blood pressure

Anybodyexperience fluctuating blood pressure from /5 - 5/ in same hour?



by Tracey_E - 2017-11-26 21:08:55

It's always fluctuating, that's normal. Unless your doctor told you to, there's no need to check it that often. Ditto checking your pulse. You'll make yourself crazy with all the (perfectly normal) ups and downs. 

Everything fluctuates

by Mapleshaz - 2017-11-27 02:37:24

Your weight, pulse, breathing and even your height can all fluctuate throughout the day. Your BP will as well, even by the minute. It depends on your thoughts (stressed), how you are positioned in the chair, legs crossed/ uncrossed, position and size of the arm cuff, quality of the apparatus, etc. 

You don’t tell us your BP average. Why are you taking it so often? What exactly did your doctor advise?  Doing it that often will, in itself cause changes.

If you feel it has become an irresistible habit, try weaning yourself to every hour then 4 hours, 3 hours then twice a day.  

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