Pacemaker beeped twice?

Earlier today at around 10:20 am my pacemaker made two distinctive beeping noices, I made sure that it wasnt my phone nor was there anything else in the room that would make the beeping. It came from my left as well. I called the heart doctor and also sent in a report on my pacemaker reader, I dont remember what its called, the heart doctors called back and said that my pacemaker wouldnt make beeping noises. Is this true? Im confused, i know what I heard. I was worried that my battery might be low. Thank you



by brandys58 - 2017-12-06 15:23:40

I am very new to this whole PM thing, but I do know when the guy came into my room at the hospital, he put the "wand" up to my implant and it beeped twice. Is there any chance you were too close to a magnetic field?  I think I have read that my medtronic will beep if too close to a field. It's so frustrating when the professionals don't listen to what you say. Good luck....

new info

by brandys58 - 2017-12-06 15:34:12

I just read this, maybe it will help....  Some ICD's have a feature called patient  Alert. If this feature is turned on, the device will sound intermittently ( on and off, High/ low pattern) for 20-30 seconds if something is wrong with it's settings. It's a little robotic cry for help. You should contact your Dr. to have your device tested as soon as you can. The tones will continue to turn on at about the same time each day until the settings are adjusted. 

 In addition, the patient alert feature can play a solid tine if your device is nearing a magnetic field. That's just a warning to stay away from the magnetic field. 

Hope this help got it from the ASK ICD site..


You know you're wired when...

You fondly named your implanted buddy.

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I am not planning on letting any of this shorten my life. I am planning on living a long happy battery operated life. You never know maybe it will keep me alive longer. I sure know one thing I would have been dead before starting school without it.