Seatbelt problem

I never could understand why some of you pacers out there were having such discomfort from the driver's seat belt/shoulder harness position. Well, I drove my son's car today - and Holy Moley! Could they make the shoulder belt any lower, tighter or pacemaker unfriendly? It was a Chevy Trailblazer and I could not get it comfortable. Thankfully, I won't have to drive it again. Now I know what some of you are talking about.
I guess we all have to not only test drive future cars, but look for one that is pacemaker comfy. What a difference from my Saturn Vue.

Anyway, just wanted to share.

Take care and God Bless,


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It made a HUGE difference in my life. Once I got it, I was finally able to run, and ride my bike long distances.