Medtronic MyCareLink Smart - NOT WORKING, BUT THERE IS A FIX

Medtronic MyCareLink Smart - NOT WORKING, but I found a fix.

I had not sent in a transmission in a while, and needed to send one in this morning, but when I tried to start the application on my Android phone it wouldn't work.  I tried it on another phone, uninstalled it, reinstalled it and it still wouldn't work.

Medtronic was NO help, no one available on the weekends but I found the fix in this note:

I experienced the same crash that others were experiencing.  Medtronic’s called a person on 12/20/2017 and told s/he it’s a known issue and to “turn off developer options” and then it will work correctly.

So I found this message in the reviews in the Android PlayStore when I went to re-install the application.  I’m not sure if Apple phones are affected.   

So if you are experiencing this problem, make sure your Developer Options are turned off.

I had to put in my seral number again.

The updated application came down on 12/1/2017 and if hadn’t used the application since then it wouldn’t work.




Developer Options - You have helped so many

by MartyP - 2017-12-24 16:43:23

If you have an android phone (mine is a Samsung S7, and have downloaded the APP and need help turning off the Developer Options, let me know and I'll try to help you .....

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I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.