Feeling tired all time

I got St. Jude Pacemaker in November of last year. I was very tired all the time. I thought after I got I would my pacemaker I would have more engery but I don't. I felt real good for a couple of weeks after getting it but after I went back to work, tireness came back. I would like to get up and walk in the mornings before work (I used to walk 2 miles before I went to work), but I don't have the energy. Sometimes I think something else is wrong.


websters dictionary meaning for tired: bushed

by valerie - 2007-05-16 06:05:40

Hey there Nana!
I'm Valerie, and I also had my pacemaker implant around your time. I'm sorry you are feeling so down. Since you said you felt better until you went back to work, perhaps you need to give yourself a little more time to recover. I know for me it was that way...it still is a bit.

Is you're job demanding? You should speak with your employer and discuss your feelings about going back too soon and just to be on the extra cautious side of things, you should set up an appointment with your doctor to make sure everything is all right. That will definately give you peace of mind. And if you're not happy with that doctor, then you should also seek a second opinion.
You sound like a very in-shape person given that you walk a lot. Good for you! I hope you can get back to that very soon.
Or, you could take that liquid called Vitameatavegamin: Vitamins, meats, vegetables, and minerals. LOL jk. I saw that on an "I Love Lucy" episode.
Please keep us updated on how you're feeling and I'll be praying for a faster recovery for you.
take care,


by jessie - 2007-05-17 12:05:04

hi nana that is what i called my grandmother. i had my pacemaker put in in august last. i can say i am tired too and wonder why? after about 3 months i had more energy and now not as much. i don't think i have anything wrong except now i have a bacterial infection but am getting it under control. it would not hurt to see your doctor. are you up to date on yearly tests? anyway trying to help hope this did. take care jessie


by jessie - 2007-05-17 12:05:05

hi nana that is what i called my grandmother. i had my pacemaker put in in august last. i can say i am tired too and wonder why? after about 3 months i had more energy and now not as much. i don't think i have anything wrong except now i have a bacterial infection but am getting it under control. it would not hurt to see your doctor. are you up to date on yearly tests? anyway trying to help hope this did. take care jessie


by auntiesamm - 2007-05-17 12:05:42

Hi Nana - I take it you are a grandma like me. Isn't it just the best? Mine "grands" are all in their 20s now but still my babies.

Re: the tiredness. AFter my pacemaker exactly one year ago I felt ever so much better because my heart was actually working properly. However, I was still very tired and believe it was due to the beta blocker I was taking. The doctor decreased the dosage after the pacemaker but I still felt the fatigue was from the BB. Just a few weeks ago my PCP agreed to try to get me off the BB and has been titrating the dosage over a period of time. If my BP continues to be well controlled I expect when I see her next week that I will discontinue the BB altogether. If you will research this website you will find a number of postings about beta blockers and bad experiences. Now, if you are not on a BB I have wasted a lot of space. I do encourage you to see you physician and have him review your symptoms and all of your medications. Lastly, I will tell you this about myself: I ignore the fact that I am not as young as I think I am and tend to really have high expectations of myself. I've always worked and had challenging jobs and approach everything the way I did 20 years ago! I have come to realize of late that at 67 my body just is not going to do everything I want it to without some consequences. It is really difficult but I am making myself stop and smell the roses............ Nana, I hope maybe something I have said will help you out but I do encourage you to see your cardiologist or EP just to check everything out. Take care and God bless.

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