Life expectancy with a pacemaker due to congenital 3rd-degree AV block


My girl was born in April 2017 with a congenital 3rd-degree AV block. She has a pacemaker since her birth.

I would like to know the life expectancy in this case ? It worries me a lot even if the Doctors told us that the life expectancy is the same for "normal" people.

Sorry for my english if it's full of mistakes but I am frenc mother tongue (we live in France).

Best regards.



by Pialice - 2018-01-08 12:42:19

Sorry I spoke in an elliptical way but we are very happy with the arrival of our daughter, she fills us with happiness. We and she went through a very difficult situation and passed all the steps (placental detachment, high risks of losing her in utero, etc). We are happy now and I keep well sealed my doubts and fears, no worries on that side. My daughter is a gift from heaven, I knew it right away.
The fact is that I read somme articles on the net, especially the risks of heart disease and I just wanted to know a little more, that's all. I trust my daughter and I know she'll have a good life, my husband and I will do anything to.

life expectancy

by Tracey_E - 2018-01-09 13:42:49

Your daughter IS perfectly normal. Her heart just beats a little differently than yours. I, too have CCHB. I never believed it was a bad thing, just different. Kids don't think like adults. They don't worry about the future or think things through like adults do. I truly believe this is harder on the parents than the patients. We are blessed to have a condition with a fix. , never forget that. My parents were great about emphasing would I could do, not what I could not. I had a happy, normal childhood. 

I am 51 now, on my 5th pacer, have two children of my own, travel as often as I can, own a business, work out every day, hike or ski most vacations, love to kayak. My heart function continues to be normal and I am otherwise healthy. With the help of the pacer I live a full, active life. My doctors have always told me this will not affect my life expectancy. So far, so good :o)   It is normal to worry but there are a lot of adults like me, living normal lives with CCHB. Best wishes for you and your daughter. 

(CCHB = 3rd degree av block = high grade av block = complete heart block. All terms mean the same thing)


by Pialice - 2018-01-10 10:55:02

Thank you for your answers that made me think well and reinforced me in my idea of which I should no longer move away. I think we should trust the future and not be dominated by our doubts. Our little girl is beautiful, her health is good and she delights us every day by her smile and hapyness. It's gold already. Thank you very much for your testimonials.

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