
while having physio on my arm, i fainted with the pain, hb 47. I am set at 60. Pm checked told all ok. Anyone had this happen.



by Tracey_E - 2018-01-10 19:25:20

A pacer won't prevent all fainting, all it can do is keep your rate up. 

How did you count 47? Monitors are notoriously inaccurate with us. Counting by hand can be inaccurate also, sometimes there are small beats between the full beats that we don't feel. It's also possible your min rate is actually 50, not 60, in which case 47 is acceptable. The pacer isn't set in beats per minute, but by the second, so over the course of a minute it may be a few beats off. 

You know you're wired when...

You have an excuse for being a couch potato.

Member Quotes

I have had my pacer since 2005. At first it ruled my life. It took some time to calm down and make the mental adjustment. I had trouble sleeping and I worried a lot about pulling wires. Now I just live my life as I wish.