Pacer lifted by bras including sports bra

I have noticed that my bra straps don't interact well with my pacer as they get 'caught' on the side of the pacer.  Sports bras seemed to work better but this morning while doing light weights, the sports bra went under the side and lifted the pacer on it's side sticking up out of my chest and resting on the bra strap.  Freaked me out!!  I have a need to continue to work out so can anyone offer their experience with keeping the pacer in place while working out?  A compression bandage was suggested but they slip.  Help!  Thanks much. 


It's a mans world :)

by Grateful Heart - 2018-01-29 11:45:12

My strap gets caught on my device too.  I also have to adjust the strap all the time when working out. 

It hasn't turned my device on it's side though....ouch!

Grateful Heart

Man's world...really?

by ROBO Pop - 2018-01-29 11:57:14

Let's be clear, were it up to us men, we wouldn't want you to wear anything so don't go there. But yes I am proud to have designed one of those torture chambers you call a mammography machine.

My lovely bride wears sports bras that are more tops and cover the entire shoulder so there would be no risk as you described. 

Thanks Robo

by Grateful Heart - 2018-01-29 12:02:18

I needed that laugh!!

I didn't know you designed one of those machines....that explains a lot.

Grateful Heart


by Moglow - 2018-01-29 13:15:49

So you're the guy Robo!!  Those machines are nasty.  Thanks for the input.  I just ordered a full coverage compression top that horse riders typically wear.  I remembered from my equestrian days how the bounce was a problem and they now have these great full body tops.  Will report back how it works.  Thanks all.   Pace on!!


by Moglow - 2018-01-30 08:09:26

Thanks Robin.  The compression top is a Cheata bra.  I say top because it looks more like a tank top than a bra.  They are zipped.  Mines coming tomorrow so will test and let you know.

Bra Strap Pads

by Lisa48 - 2018-02-01 17:46:21

I wear pads on my bra straps. Here is the Amazon link.

You know you're wired when...

Muggers want your ICD, not your wallet.

Member Quotes

I have had my pacer since 2005. At first it ruled my life. It took some time to calm down and make the mental adjustment. I had trouble sleeping and I worried a lot about pulling wires. Now I just live my life as I wish.