biventicular pm

Hello all, my cardio wants to ablate av node and upgrade my pm to a crt from my adapta duel chamber medtronic  he said it would improve my "quality of life"and stop any afib or flutter.    but I would become dependent on my pm.   i have not had any heart failure discussions ...  battery currently on save the last three weekand Iam feeling low.....does a bi ventricular pm present any challanges as i am recovering from a str oke{6/25/17} much rehab and working out

any thoughts would be appreciated thanks in advance  -Philman











































































iare there any drawbackxs with this biventricular pm,  as i could use the extra horsepower, but dont like being dependent.  had a stroke 6/25/17 and am still very much into rehab and working out,,,,,,,,,

any thoughts would be appreciated,  thanks in advance.......





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