severe itching after Pacemaker surgery

After my Mother's Pacemaker surgery in June of 2017.  She has had continuous and severe itching since the procedure. At first an itch around the incision it has covered her shoulders arms and scalp. A specialist she sees told her it looked like Scabies and she has been treated with Permethrin and one series of drugs afer another to relieve the itch. A dermatologist she was referred to at a clinic concurred the bumps did look like a scabies infestation. No one around her has been affected by the highly contagious condition. We have been to dermatologists, allergists etc etc but her agony continues. All the treatments are producing other side effects sh did not have originally.  Has anyone on this forum experienced a scabies like diagnosis as a result of a pacemaker implant?



by Gotrhythm - 2018-02-21 14:37:29

I'm sorry your mom is having such a hard time.

I know nothing about scabies, but we have had other members who were allergic to the pacemaker. You might look through the archives.

severe allergic breakout after pacemaker implant

by mike33 - 2018-02-21 16:18:08

I appreciate your writing. We asked the cardiologist in the immediate followup a week after the procedure about the itching and he kind of shrugged us off implying it had nothing to do with the procedure or him.

She was treated as a result of the bumps looking like scabies. When they did a biopsy after wearing weeks of harsh chemicals, basicly insecticide it did not show scabies or post sabies infection. Three doctors have only said it looked exactly like scabies bumps so we just thought hospital patients have certainly left a facility with scabies, staph etc. No one around her got infected so it makes me wonder.

I will definitley look through the archives and have searched periodically for reactions to pacemaker implants.

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