Pacemaker site

I was wondering if this is normal? I had my pacemaker implant on November 2nd. still really sore and tender around the site. I've been doing the exercise Robin recommend. doing the heat before and ice pack after. Just wondering how long it takes for the soreness to go away. maybe I try to do to much. 


Site can be sore for a while

by Theknotguy - 2018-02-24 20:34:32

The site can be sore for a while.  My site was tender for at least 9 months.  Then I threw a ball too hard (I'm left handed) for the dog and pulled the site so it was sore for another two months.  I also volunteer at a charity woodshop.  We were lifting planks - about 30 pounds at a pop and the site was sore because the way I was lifting the planks pinched the pacemaker between the shoulder and the ribcage.  Since I kept doing stuff to aggravate the site I think it was two years before everything finally quit being sore.  But then again, how many people move 2000 pounds of wood while on the Thursday cut crew??  I wouldn't be sore then I'd go down to the woodshop, work a little harder than normal, then pay for it for the next two weeks.  Tylenol was my friend.  So yes, eventually the soreness goes away.  Hot and cold packs help.  

Other than the site soreness I think the most important thing to remember is the exercise is important.  The more you keep moving the better for your heart.  

Hope everything else is going well for you.  

Pacemaker site

by Lilly - 2018-02-24 22:32:14

Thanks for the helpful comments. 

Surgery and recovery

by Lilly - 2018-02-25 11:11:03

Thank you Robin, I can always count on you for great advice. So do you recommend none electral heat? Your answers are always very detailed and informative. thank you so much for responding to my question. thanks to your helpful answers I have come a long way in a week and a half. Hope to hear from you again soon. 

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It is just over 10 years since a dual lead device was implanted for complete heart block. It has worked perfectly and I have traveled well near two million miles internationally since then.