14 Day’s since implant

14 day’s on, giddiness gone, pines and needles in my legs gone.

Trying  to exercise my arm, I’m takin Robin 2s advice walking my fingers up the wall and doing some low level rotations of the shoulder, had a bit of seeping from the wound but that seems to have dried up.

The elevator to my 5th floor flat is currently on the blink,the walk up the stairs certainly give the old heart a workout.

Hope to get back to work next week it would be good to stop thinking about the pacemaker Constantly 


Give it a little more time

by Gotrhythm - 2018-02-26 13:13:26

Sounds like your recovery is on track. Isn't it wonderful to be able to climb five flights of stairs without feeling like you need CPR by the end? :-)

The day will come when you'll bump your pacemaker and it will hurt a little, or you'll get your notice to come in for a pacemaker interrogation, and suddenly you will realize this is the first time you've even thought about it for days, or weeks, or months, and you won't even know when you stopped.

Trust me. It took me two or three months. Some people take longer. Some shorter. But it does happen.


Gets Better and Better

by TT - 2018-02-28 13:52:42

I agree with previous comments. I'm 16 days out, so our implantation dates are close. It gets better and better. I'm looking forward to 'forgetting' I have a PM. Stil pretty aware and waiting for my steri-strips to fall off. I'm not encouraging them (ha ha) I'm just now getting them good and wet in the shower. They feel like protection - but really, I'm just a wuss! Off all pain pills for almost a week. Now I have to get off the chocolate!!!

You know you're wired when...

Your pacemaker receives radio frequencies.

Member Quotes

The pacer systems are really very reliable. The main problem is the incompetent programming of them. If yours is working well for you, get on with life and enjoy it. You probably are more at risk of problems with a valve job than the pacer.