Now Need Aortic Vavle Replacement

It had been four months since my PM implant and I had been experiencing chest pains. Had a heart cath done a couple weeks ago to determine the cause. I was told by my cardiologist that my aortic valve (which is bicuspid and should be tricuspid) now needs to be replaced. I am seeking an opinion from the Cleveland Clinic regarding the pending surgery....If all goes well expect to have the valve replaced the end of July or first of August at CCF with surgery done by Dr.Lars Swensson......

As some of you may remember, my wife had a PM/ICD impanted in June. She is still experiencing some short runs of V-Tach so her PM/ICD was "fine tuned" this week...So far she is doing well....We are a two PM Family........

This year has not gotten off to a very good start (angioplasty in Jan, pacemaker in Feb, Wife's pacemaker in May and now heart valve surgery)........But the bottom line is, we are both still kicking and looking forward to more of life.......



That's a rough start!

by hooimom - 2007-07-19 06:07:17

That is a rough start to a year. You have a great attitude and that is half the battle! We expect to get our pacemakers and be good as new, but you guys haven't had that experience. I'll keep you both in my prayers. Let us know what the doctor at Cleveland Clinic decides. It sounds like you are in good hands!


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Member Quotes

I'm 35 and got my pacemaker a little over a year ago. It definitely is not a burden to me. In fact, I have more energy (which my husband enjoys), can do more things with my kids and have weight because of having the energy.