Implant migration

Hey guys,  my 3rd implant was put in sep 2016 and of course it hurt after which I was familiar with but it kept hurting and then around 11 months ago it began to swell and my armpit lymph node began to swell as well so finally the cardiologist confirmed it has moved, I am scheduled Tues 6:30 am to have him put it back in place but I have never had one move so idk what the procedure will consist of and how much pain it will be, I have had one inserted upside down and fixed before imagine that.. But just curious what the name of it is called and how much pain. I tried contacting Pooki but my message would not go through . If anyone can help please let me know 

Thank you 



by Gotrhythm - 2018-03-12 16:19:00

Immediately after implantation, and a number of times since, my chest has been x-rayed to check the position of my pacemaker.

Strange that that wasn't done in your case.

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