Tony Stark/ Enough is Enough response

Check to see if your device is on the recall list due to battery depletion.  Here is the link:

Also...Have you had this discussion with your doctor?  They can try a different blood thinner.  If you feel relief from the side effects then it was definitely the Xeralto but there may be a few issues here. 

I understand taking yourself off meds.  I had a big problem with many brands of statins and body aches but that is not as serious as needing a blood thinner.

Sick Sinus Syndrome:  If your HR isn't increasing upon exercise or movement if may be a simple setting adjustment to your ICD.  You may need the Rate Response setting turned on if it isn't, in order for your HR to rise accordingly.  If your device is not on the recall list..still there is no way it should remain a constant 60 bpm.  Could still be faulty, rare but a possibility.

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