Itchy pacemaker site

Hi pacers! have a question has anyone had a lot of problems with itching around the pacemaker site? I had my pacemaker implanted November 2 2017. Still have some problems. For the itching I've tried hydrocortisone cream,benadryl cream. I get some relief but it is short lived.  

I am still having a lot of shoulder pain. continuing to try in exercise use heat before and ice after. I was back in the hospital 2wks ago for chest pain and Afib. And I had my pacemaker integrated for the second time. seems like I have felt worse since the integration. My heart rate has done better. But I have felt awful. 

I am having problems with feeling like I am going to pass out when I bend over, or lie down to quickly, or if I get up suddenly. I have 9 cardiac stents, it kinda feel like when I have had blockage .the cardiologist don't seem to be concerned. So my Family Doctor is referring me to another cardiologist. Hoping to get some answers. 

About the itching does anyone have any suggestions ?Thanks in advance.



by Tracey_E - 2018-03-15 11:47:33

What worked best for me is medical grade vitamin e ointment I got from my chiropractor. Use at least twice a day. The plastic surgeon told me keep it hydrated, doesn't matter much what we use as long as it's all natural.

Thankful for pacemaker Friends!

by Lilly - 2018-03-15 14:38:51

Thanks Tracy E for taking time to post a answer. 

Vitamin E Oil

by Washingtonienne - 2018-03-15 18:22:17

I got my pacer on October 9 and know that itchiness well.  I was told that part of the itchiness is due to nerves being cut through with the incision.  Makes sense to me.  Some of the itchiness is growing new skin.  Also makes sense to me.  

Like TraceyE said - keep it hydrated.  I've been using Jason organic vitamin e oil (huzzah amazon!) ant it works great.  Don't know if vitamin e actually makes a difference but, it definitely feels less raw and itchy and I've noticed the scar getting smoother and lighter already.  

It's also handy to have in my purse for other areas.  My skin is not liking this extended winter.  

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