Can't exercise test ok now what ?

Ok had my echo..and nuclear stress test all came back ok Dr told me I have no restrictions for my heart so what does that mean ..but I thy old him when I exercise feel like passing out I need to lay down until my heart rate drops takes like 10 minutes I'm overweight..and haven't really exercise..I ask him about the pacemaker settings he doubts that..I dr o remember the pacemaker lady mention about program not to go over 170 if I'm correct ...any ideas friends .


second for cardiac rehab

by Tracey_E - 2018-03-28 10:58:58

Cardiac rehab is the perfect way to get back to exercise because you are supervised and monitored. 

You know you're wired when...

Your old device becomes a paper weight for your desk.

Member Quotes

Hi, I am 47 and have had a pacemaker for 7 months and I’m doing great with it.