Constant Pulse Rate of 60BPM and Strong Heartbeat


My grandpa is 74 years old and he got his PM 6 years ago and he felt great. His pulse was between 60 and 80 BPM and he drank beta blockers so that his pulse rate doesn't go above 80 BPM. A month and a half ago, he had his checkup where the doctor reprogramed his PM. After that, his pulse rate is always between 60 and 65 BPM regardless if he is taking a walk or relaxing at home, during his checkup the battery didn't show that it is at the end of its power. And the other thing that happened is that his heartbeat is really strong, not fast, but strong. When he is being active, he doesn't feel it that much, but when he lays down to relax he can feel the really strong and uncomfortable heartbeat. He also stopped drinking beta blockers because the pulse doesn't go above 65 BPM.

Please tell me if you know something about these symptoms and if we should do anything. 

Thanks in advance!  


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