

Actually, I'm not really a person with a pacemaker. I'm a writer and one of my characters is supposed to suffer from dcm. I've just signed up in order to learn more about the said device. My dear friend had also died because of a cardiac arrest. And I sincerely respect those people who are wholeheartedly fighting for their heart. I don't even know if I have the right to post here.

Is it possible to take medications for someone who already has a pacemaker? If yes, what medications and in what cases?

Thank you!



by Gotrhythm - 2018-05-11 11:57:33

Hi Loki,

I'll be happy to help you. I'm a writer too.

I've sent you a private message.


by The real Patch - 2018-05-11 13:37:41

The restrictions on patients, whether they have a pacemaker a defibrillator or a CRT are not as a result of their devices but their conditions. There are few restrictions and most lead a normal life. I have a CRT-D am paced 100% in both ventricles and take 11 prescription medications. I can't really think of any meds I cannot take except those I am allergic to.

Some good sources of information for you are WebMD, Medtronics, and St. Judes web sites in addition to reading information here.

Colonel Green, in the bathroom, with a candlestick and home monitor


by Grateful Heart - 2018-05-11 14:34:31

But "only" 5 meds. 

And the weapon used was... the home monitor.

Grateful Heart

You know you're wired when...

You are always wired and full of energy.

Member Quotes

Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.