New and unexpected to the club but still UP "BEAT"

49 good shape, avid hockey player.   Passed out three times in one day (three other previous episodes over 7 years)

Went to ER, my heart stopped for 30 secs, next thing I know I had a pace maker in set to trigger at 45 bpm, as I normally have a low HR.

Started looking for answers and dug out some old records from 6 years ago on a diagnosis of LVH --left ventricular hypertrophy.

Am now interested to sit down with the Dr. and seeing what other actions should we consider in terms of where the PM is set.

Anyone have a similar case?




Other Actions ?

by IAN MC - 2018-05-19 15:33:53

Upbeat is a great name; with your attitude you will be just fine.

If you have now stopped fainting and you are not having symptoms of feeling faint then you don't need consider any further actions.  Really,  actions from now on in terms of pacemaker settings should be symptom-driven.

45 bpm is quite a low base setting for a pacemaker but if it is OK for you , great,  live with it.... and enjoy your hockey.

Best of luck

Ian  ( also upbeat ! )

low rate

by Tracey_E - 2018-05-19 21:11:01

If you feel ok with 45 that's great, but don't be afraid of having it set higher. It could be that your previously low rate was the first sign there was a problem, not that you had a naturally low rate. My rate was in the 40's my entire life, now resting is in the low 70's and I feel a lot better.

You know you're wired when...

You have a dymo-powered bike.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker was installed in 1998 and I have not felt better. The mental part is the toughest.