pain and swelling

sorry to keep hopping on, but I am now a little over 48 hours post-op and I am feeling alot of pressure and swelling from the site to side under arm I guess..   How long should this pressure feeling last?   I'm afraid to move this arm and maybe its making it worse.   Thx ahead for any feedback!



by Tracey_E - 2018-05-23 19:00:52

Swelling is perfectly normal. As long as it doesn't get significantly worse or the arm turn colors, it's fine. When in doubt you can have them look at it but for 48 hours out, sounds pretty normal to me.

Have you iced? That should help with both swelling and pain.

Gently moving the arm will probably help, not hurt. It's not a good idea to keep the arm still for too long because the shoulder can freeze. 

Check it out

by tedd - 2018-05-23 21:43:31

Hi Hal, if your like me it is hard to go with flow till it passes. I tend to blow it out of proportion with my imagination. I have been better lately by communicating with my doctor rather than weather it out till my next visit.

You might do yourself a favor and reduce the anguish by  calling your doc and see if you can come in. 

I always feel much better and my spirit is brighter when I go see the doctor.

i had a pulse 35 and hemmed and hawed a day or so, then decided enough is enough, the anxiety kept getting worse, till I called my doctor.

Sure enough, the doctor referred me to a cardiologist and in a short time I had a pacemaker.

I wish you well and hope you can get the answers the will settle your mind. Otherwise, get on the horn and see what your doc says.

For me, I have trouble with the anxiety of the unknown. I wouldn't say I am a hypochondriac, but I no longer wait to see my doctor even for small things. My imagination makes it bigger than it is. The more days that pass, the bigger it gets . Making me think about the problem all the time.

Hal, this just how I feel. You know what to do. You will surely make a good decision. 

Sending you peace and calm as you weather this challenge.



Pain and swelling?

by AgentX86 - 2018-05-23 22:46:07

It will swell and it will hurt (some more than others, of course).  Unless you see that it's infected, you're probably fine but no one would think any less of you if you called the nurse at the cardiologist's office and asked if it should be looked at.


by HAL - 2018-05-23 23:18:57

icing now!  thank you all!!!

My 2 cents

by NiceNiecey - 2018-05-23 23:54:53

For what it's worth, I developed a DVT (blood clot) in my armpit after getting my PM.  My only symptom was pain and I wouldn't even describe it as bad.  It was definitely localized to the armpit.  Just make sure not to completely ignore it.  Although my armpit was not warm to the touch, that is another symptom of a blood clot.

Let's just hope the ice helps!

pain and swelling

by HAL - 2018-05-23 23:56:32

how did they treat that blood clot?

My two cents

by AgentX86 - 2018-05-24 00:04:31

Yeah, that is bad.  Were you on blood thinners?


by sam295 - 2018-05-27 06:43:56

Give it time , I have some inflammation on my biceps and in my arm pit which I gentle massaged and did disappear.  It is confusing , the whole move that arm but dont move the arm . Do take it very easy for the first 3-4 weeks not lifting weights with arm but do move it with sideways movements to keep the flexibility.

I hope you feel better soon


by bionicgirl - 2018-05-31 06:38:41

Give ti time :)

I remember that feeling and moment..back then my doctor prescribed me Panadol. It quite helping to ease the pain

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