defib going off?

Well today is m daugter's 29th birthday and I tink I experienced my first shock,  last Wenesday and Tursday I had to be interrogated.  Still can't drive my car or go sopping in mall or go near some electrical appliances without problems,  Yesterday I can swear I was shocked when i went to turn off light.  I've been having multiple pvc's and today while resting i felt beep beep beep beep then after te third beep 4 zzzz. no pain just slight zap. Called EP he told me to go in tommorrow to be checked out.  SCARED.  Any suggestions?  Any thoughts?  tought I sould have went to ER?  Is this to be expected?  How long before they get this right?  Boston Scientific  CRT D  I have always suffered from pvc's but never like this.  Im afraid to fall asleep




Jesus Jolt

by The real Patch - 2018-05-29 17:19:10

By now you've probably had your interrogation. I'm betting the doctor told you that your device did not give you a Jesus jolt (defibrillation therapy) and you most likely doubt him. Rest assured as an old hand at this I can promise you from the description you gave that was not full therapy. Additionally, unless they did a horrid job programming your device there is no way it should confuse a PVC for anything that would result in full therapy, they just don't work that way.

I have so many PVCs that I no longer give it thought. Yes I've gotten more than my share of Jesus Jolts and never was it the result of PVC's nor were they even remotely similar to your description. I'm not sure quite what you felt but...

I hope you come back and share what you found out so others will have an idea what to expect

I'm interested too

by Grateful Heart - 2018-05-29 20:36:06

I feel PVC's and ATP therapy too.  During the end of my last interrogation, I started throwing some PVC's.  I always feel them too and I mentioned it to my nurse just before she shut down the programmer.  She took another look at it and saw them.  First time in 10 years they saw it in action.

I have never been shocked by my device and mine is so old, I'm not even sure it has an alarm.    

Grateful Heart

defib going off?

by joannepast - 2018-05-30 10:22:26

Thanks for the advice.  Monitor did not record because it was set to record at 170 bpm.  It was adjusted to 145 bpm hopefully all gets better  Sometimes i feel like my health providers think Im nuts.  Been living this too long. Will see if yesterdays changes get things better. During the interrogation he did capture some premature beats and couldnt believe I could feel them all. He said unfortunately Im super sensitive to beats.  Looking to keep myself busy and distracted while awaiting cardiac rehab approval soon.Again great talking to people who have same experiences. GRACIAS


by The real Patch - 2018-05-30 12:12:06

To be clear for novices following this thread, you did not receive a shock, it would have been recorded no matter what rate was set. 

They set your device to record irregular rhythms at or above 145 BPM, but the device will always record any therapy it gives at any speed whether it be pacing, ATP, or Defibrillation. So now you may see more evidence of PVCs and other rhythms which are considered benign.

Yes, I can attest sometimes those are uncomfortable but not dangerous.

Advising patients for years for Mended Hearts , I've come to recognize those who struggle most and have frequent unexplained events always focus far too much attention on their hearts and don't just get on with life. If you can train yourself to focus on other things and not worry you'll do far better.



You know you're wired when...

Your device acts like a police scanner.

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