Swelling in left arm

Has anyone experienced slight swelling in their left arm ? I received my device 6 months ago.


get it checked

by Tracey_E - 2018-05-30 22:21:57

If it's new, it should be checked out. 


by Suzypoozy - 2019-02-20 23:16:20

Did you get any answers on your arm swelling? Is it better now?  I've had my pacer for about 10 weeks and aftre the first week my left arm turned a dark pink color and felt weird but not painful. I had tests to rule out clot but in the last few days it has been more swollen. I feel like docs are saying it must be because there is only so much room in the vein (for leads) and to live with it because there is no clot. Was your experience similar? What was the outcome?



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