Heart failure

I was told by the nurse that I had heart failure my last echo showed my ejection fraction is 60 percentile my diastolic pressure is slightly elevated so I was put on water pills and potassium but I am on pills for depression and I gained almost 20 lbs that about 2 years ago could this cause this I have good checks on my pacemaker every once in a while in will go fast just for a few seconds glad I don’t feel it any one else been told they have heart failure?



by Bionic Beat - 2018-06-05 22:14:25

Your ejection fraction is above normal according to the Mayo Clinic article on heart failure.

No one has 100, as in %.

The water pills are to help decrease your blood pressure and it would be good to stop adding weight.

Has anyone suggested that you go outside for long walks?  It helps a lot, both with the heart stuff, to help decrease your blood pressure and for your depression.

If you can go for three 20 minute walks, or even 2 of them, it would likely help.


Best wishes,


Bionic Beat

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