Usually cataract surgery is done with local anesthesia and maybe a bit of consious sedation. Is it usually  the case that a PM tech is necessary to be in the OR? Does the eye doc request some sort of clearance from the pactient's EP cardiologist? Anyone have experience with cataract surgery?



by The real Patch - 2018-06-08 18:18:21

I had both eyes done a year apart...Not a problem for your pacemaker but your heart condition is the concern. Check with your cardiologist just to be safe but shouldn't be an issue. Oh and I'm paced 100% in both ventricles and have a defibrillator. 


by IAN MC - 2018-06-08 18:48:52

I had one eye done 2 weeks ago and discussed my PM with the opthalmic surgeon . He was adamant that this was not an issue !

My old lens was destroyed with ultra-sound which is fine with PMs, as is the local anaesthetic gel and sedative drug.

I guess if I had an I.C.D.  I would rather not have a Jesus jolt just as the surgeon was making the incision into my eye-ball ; but having a PM.... absolutely no problem !

I can probably see half as well as Patch now !

Best of luck


Cataract surgery is a breeze

by Gotrhythm - 2018-06-09 14:20:34

I had cataract surgery a couple of months ago, right eye, two weeks later left eye. I don't have a defibrillator, just a plain pacemaker. 

Having a pacemaker was a complete non-issue. No clearance from cardiologist required, no pacemaker tech on hand. They had more questions and took more precaustions about my asthma

I was kind of nervous about anyone operating on my eyes, but really, the whole thing was a breeze. Each operation took less than 15 minutes.


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Good luck with your surgery. It will improve life amazingly.