Just got me a brand spakin new PM

YEAH, I just got me a brand spankin new St. Jude Pacemaker. It has this feature in it that they may automatically take readings without me going in. I have something like wifi. I have a machine at home that takes readings and relays them back to St. Jude monitoring. The doctor went over my existing scar and did a great job. It was easy, same day in and out. I haven't yet named this one, I was thinking Betsy.

Anyone have any names for my new PM? I am open to suggestions. To all of my PM family, thanks for being here. Love to all.


New Name

by Cheryl B - 2012-02-05 11:02:44

I'm kinda partial to Thumpalina, but Thumper was my second choice.
I, too, am on St. Jude WiFi. Except I was told that when they did the reading, it would be about the cost of an office appointment with none of the hassles of driving to hospital and parking and walking and waiting. Well, it costs me $250.00 for a "reading" through that little machine next to my bed. I am happy to have my little Thumpalina, but man, she's costing me a lot.
Cheryl B.

Same 1?

by ReneeV2.0 - 2012-02-21 01:02:08

I'm supposed to get my first pm in April... I'm scared to death (pretty standard for me since I am am anxious person in general)

Anyway the DR told me about a st Jude pm that transmitted data to a website every night via rf, then through the phone line. Is that what you guys have? What do you think so far?

The 250 referenced, that can't be for every nighttime reading? What's that for?

Do you think (since these transmit more data more often) that they have any additional interference issues?

Thank you so much! I'm super magnitude about the whole thing, so talking to someone who has one would be great!

You know you're wired when...

You fondly named your implanted buddy.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker is intact and working great.